Show details for A4 Saddle Stitched Portrait

A4 Saddle Stitched Portrait

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Saddle Stitching binds pages together using staples along the spine. Use this product for sizes between A5 (210mm x 148mm) and A4 (297mm x 210mm).

Product description

Saddle Stitching is designed for multi page products of smaller paginations (ideally up to 64 pages) ie magazines, brochures etc. The booklets are finished to size and held together with two 'staples' on the spine edge. 

To enhance the product choose a heavier weight cover and a gloss or matt lamination. 

Use this product for sizes between A5 (210mm x 148mm) and A4 (297mm x 210mm Portrait).  We offer an A4 landscape option, though this is not priced through the site, please email or call one of our team on 01495 223721 for a quote.

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And if a cover is required please

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If there is an item you require or can't find then please telephone 01495 223721 and ask for the Bridgend plant or email